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Book Of Enoch Atlantis

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The first book of enoch

Lord Arundell

  • With this end, the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees mentioned above, were stricken from the accepted list and are now known as Apocrypha or Pseudographa. What we do know though, is that these Watchers continued in what has been described as the underground stream and were called egregors.
  • The 'keys' Enoch speaks of, turn out to be sound keys, keys to be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the mythic 'Power of the World'. The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and higher consciousness.

It is quite clear that the interesting but mysterious Enoch has done little but generate wide-ranging speculation including a completely unsubstantiated link with Plato's Atlantis (b). The Book of Enoch, also known as 1 Enoch, is a 2 nd century BC Jewish religious document whose content is traditionally attributed to Enoch, the great. No wonder the book of Enoch was, says Baigent, the bedside book of Jesus. He found powerful and holy aspirations. It is surprising especially as the Book of Enoch, distinguished by Jesus Christ himself, has been so ignored by the church that it was simply removed from the canonical Bible. For their part, Jews have also removed it from the Torah.

The first book of enoch

This is a Facsimile PDF. It has 118 pages and was published in 1885.


This book was originally written as a series of articles in response to Ignatius Donnelly's book, Atlantis The Antediluvian World. Chapters include; Plato's Atlantis: Mr. Donnelly's Theory; Conjecture as to the probable Basis of Plato's Atlantis; Further Conjectures—Diluvian Traditions; Recent Testimonies; and, Alternative Theories.

Book of enoch and atlantis

Lord Arundell

  • With this end, the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees mentioned above, were stricken from the accepted list and are now known as Apocrypha or Pseudographa. What we do know though, is that these Watchers continued in what has been described as the underground stream and were called egregors.
  • The 'keys' Enoch speaks of, turn out to be sound keys, keys to be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the mythic 'Power of the World'. The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and higher consciousness.

It is quite clear that the interesting but mysterious Enoch has done little but generate wide-ranging speculation including a completely unsubstantiated link with Plato's Atlantis (b). The Book of Enoch, also known as 1 Enoch, is a 2 nd century BC Jewish religious document whose content is traditionally attributed to Enoch, the great. No wonder the book of Enoch was, says Baigent, the bedside book of Jesus. He found powerful and holy aspirations. It is surprising especially as the Book of Enoch, distinguished by Jesus Christ himself, has been so ignored by the church that it was simply removed from the canonical Bible. For their part, Jews have also removed it from the Torah.

This is a Facsimile PDF. It has 118 pages and was published in 1885.


This book was originally written as a series of articles in response to Ignatius Donnelly's book, Atlantis The Antediluvian World. Chapters include; Plato's Atlantis: Mr. Donnelly's Theory; Conjecture as to the probable Basis of Plato's Atlantis; Further Conjectures—Diluvian Traditions; Recent Testimonies; and, Alternative Theories.

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The Book Of Enoch

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Thoth was the keeper of the magical arts that made him the Master of the Gods, the one who revealed all knowledge of the Seven Sacred Sciences and religion to humankind. 12 Thoth was the one who transmitted mystical secrets to his obscure followers, members of a reticent Snake Order we will examine later. Thoth, too, was regarded to be the deity credited with being the god of wisdom, the inventor of letters and writing. Thoth was transformed into a god through wisdom. 13 We know also from other sources that Thoth invented hieroglyphs and was the one who brought science, geometry, and architecture to humankind. 14

Thoth was further celebrated as the Greek Hermes. 15 The Greeks and Romans identified Hermes with their pantheistic god Mercury. 16 Mercury was the patron deity of learning, the chosen scribe for the plethora of gods. He served as their ordained messenger, again consistent with that of Enoch's responsibilities. Mercury was the son of Zeus (Jupiter) and Maia; 17 Mercury also was attributed with the invention of writing. In addition, Mercury signed sentences onto the souls of the dead. 18

Unger's recites a similar version, conceding Hermes was Mercury and that Hermes was the son of the god Zeus and the (Nephilim) daughter of Atlas, a person named Naiad. Unger's further claims Hermes wore winged sandals (eerily identical to medical snake motifs), as well as wings on his hat, all the while being a guide for the dead into the underworld. 19

Even though Enoch was rendered to be Hermes/Thoth among the Egyptians and Mercury was Enoch's appellation among the Greeks, Enoch was also known as Hermes among the Greeks. The Greeks, interestingly enough, identified their Hermes/Mercury with Thoth/Hermes of Egypt, believing he built the pyramids in Egypt.

Adding to Enoch's alternative reputation, the mystical Hebrews, according to Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy, who co- wrote The Hermetica, The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs , referred to Enoch as Idris. 20 The Phoenicians knew Enoch as Thaut, which is very close to the Egyptian Taut or Thoth, while the Arabians knew Enoch as Edris.

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